Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Online Consumer Complaints in India

Consumers are the largest economic group in the country’s economy and that is what we all know. Without a consumer, not even the entire economy but not even a single company can run. We have seen the situation in past and studied also that the entire economy runs on the concept of demand and supply. Now these days because of so much advertisement, so much publicity and because of the image of the brand embassador, companies try to cheat the customers. If its an economical product, one can digest that but if its expensive, it hurts. The basic problem is no one has the exact knowledge of how to resolve such issues. Infact our government has formulated six rights which one can appeal for in sucha situation. But nobody has the knowedge about these six rights. But many a times consumer complaints go unheard, therefore there is a strict need of implementing consumer protection rights. If these rights are not protected then the consumers have every liberty to file complaints against the organization or the person concerned.

Now for this reson we have Online Consumer Complaints in India. This is a platform which enbles a lay man to understand the legal formalities required or the legal steps to be followed by one to get the justice done. Few years ago, when internet was launched in India nobody thought it will prove itself as a boon in all the fields. Here also, it has been appriaciated by many legal bodies that this media helps the lay man to understnad the entire legalitied involved. Consumer Complaint Online can be registered simply by log in into any of the online consumer forums avalible. Once you complete a simple form, you may file a complaint. There will be a panel of experts who will suggest you the exact ways of resolving the situation. And the best part is you need not have to pay anything for this consultation.  If necessary they also recommend lawer for resolving the issue. The six rights are Right to Safety, Right to Information, Right to Choice, Right to be heard, The Right to Redress, The right to consumer education. As a consumer we expect that the six rights which have been implemented by the Government should be strictly executed by the organizations to safeguard costumer protection.

The interest of the customers can be protected by encouraging healthy competition in the market which serve the customers and not harm their integrity. Consumer forum is a response towards the ongoing conflict between the customers and their protection. The consumer forums file the complaints of the customers and advice them on the related issues.

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