Friday, 17 June 2011

Monro Muffler Brake & Service

I was in shop 21 in bradford Pennsylvania a few days ago. I overheard the manager and technicians talking about their work schedule and the company. they were forced to get rid of their third tech and they are working 8 day stretches, and the store manager is working 7 days a week from 7-7. This is not legal and will not be tolerated. I am writing on their behalf because they were saying if they spoke up they would be fired. they have no family life, and the store manager has a heart condition and has missed his last 3 appts due to not having a day off. If they get sick, there is nobody to cover, so the other tech has to work the entire day. they were told by the market manager mark penipento they could not hire anyone else. forcing the store manager to not get days off and the techs one day off a week. They are getting wore out. I felt so bad for these guys, and thats why i am speaking up. Something has to be done here. they are getting no breaks, as the cars keep coming to make numbers and there is not enough personnel. the one tech is 60, and the other has diabetes and they cannot get a break? But monro takes it out of their pay? They are open 7 days a week and running two techs and want NO OVERTIME WHATSOEVER!!! i already have a call into the labor board and i will take it even further if need be. No employees should be treated this way.

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