Friday, 17 June 2011

Bally Total Fitness

Well I am here to complain about the Bally Total Fitness at Pleasant Hill, CA. When my husband and I joined the club, we were coaxed by the manager (John) repeatedly to join the personal training session, however the contract clearly says that once bought we cannot cancel the sessions under most circumstances. We showed our concern to the manager and he said that he has the right to change or cancel the contract because he is the "MANAGER" of the place and runs it entirely. Anytime we want to leave and do not wish to continue he will take the responsibility. So we joined, after a month our trainer whom we were very happy with said he is leaving, none of the other trainers were at par with him and our body had gotten so much conditioned to his style that it was really difficult for us to move on. Earlier we had tried another trainer and it was a big pain. So we went to the new manager (the one making false promises had disappeared as he had done the same with many others), and the new manager said that nothing can be done about it, even though her own colleague committed a verbal fraud but because of the contract nothing can be done. Well first of all, contract no where promises great results or anything, even those dreams are sold to us verbally by the staff who get us into signing, so if then written agreement is not considered so then if a MANAGER commits a verbal FRAUD why isn't that an offence. Moreover, I have witness to this case as people I know accompanied me. Apart from this there are others who were cheated by the same manager JOHN. So what can I do in this situation?

- Puruda

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